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Name : --
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Any update on previous months winners of the monthly draw?

Apologies - we had a few techincal hitches - will get them posted up now
Name : Parent
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Does the youth club start again this week?
Name : CRDA
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Cloney Rural Development Association Community Festival

Saturday 25th August 2012

7.30 pm - 9 pm
Traditional Music from the local talent
Bar-B-Q Adults £5—Children £3

9.30 pm —12 pm
“A fast paced musical drama on the life of ‘The Boss’ – Glory Days, The River, Born in the USA and more!!”
Admission £5

Sunday 26th August 2012

2 pm - 4 pm
IT’S A KNOCKOUT featuring local celebrities!!

3.30 pm - 5 pm
Donegal v Cork
live on the big screen

5 pm - 6 pm
Tea & Sandwiches
Children’s Fancy Dress
Including Prizes

9 pm - 12 pm
Music by Idyllic Dolls

Day Admission: £5 per Adult ~ £2 per child
Name : St Mary's GAC Ahoghill
Monday, May 14, 2012
St Mary’s GAC Ahoghill


in the Crosskeys Inn on Saturday 26th May 2012

Food Served from 7.30pm – 9pm

Tickets £10

Tickets available from any Finance committee member or the Crosskeys Inn.

All proceeds to the Club Development Fund.
Name : Cloney Rural Development Association
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Regional Mobile Cancer Unit for Early Detection, Prevention and Support Services for People with Cancer

The Big Bus is coming to the Acorn Centre, Cloney on the 22nd June 2011.

The following services are available:

MOT Health Checks
Body Composition Analysis
Health Promotion Training
Breast Screening Age 40 - 49 & 70+

To make an appointment for any of the above services call our Big Bus Team on 028 9080 3344. Please support this service to ensure it returns in the future.

For an interactive tour of the Big Bus vistit www.actioncancer.org
Name : CRDA
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Yew Tree Feis



Ceoltoiri Crosskeys
Current Antrim Fleadh Winners!


Saint Paul’s Primary School
Previous Yew Tree Feis Bursary Winners!

Tuesday 21st June 2011
The Acorn Centre, Crosskeys Road

Adults £5
Name : CRDA
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Cloney Rural Development Association are hosting the 10th Annual Yew Tree Feis for Primary School Children. We have now added the programmes for the 10th Annual Yew Tree Feis. Visit the Document Library on our website for further details on the 2011 Pre-School Programme & Primary School Programme.

Encourage your children to enter in the 10th Annual Feis.

The Pre-school event will take place in St Paul's Primary School, Ahoghill on Wednesday 25th May 2010. The Feis will continue at the ACORN Centre, Crosskeys Road, Ahoghill on Thursday 26th, Friday 27th and Saturday 28th May 2011.

As this event has proved to be very popular and has been well supported in the past it is hoped that this year will be no exception. All primary school children are encouraged to participate especially those who have no previous performing experience.

All parents, grandparents, friends etc. are welcome to attend.

Further information may be obtained from St Paul’s Primary School Ahoghill telephone 2587 1613. Alternatively contact CRDA organisers on 25878111 or 25871588.

website: www.crda-online.com
Name : Paddy Graffin
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
CRY screening dates for the remainder of 2011 are as follows:

14-15 May - University of Ulster Jordanstown

4-5 June - University of Ulster Coleraine

16 -17 June - Newry Shamrocks Club Newry

3-4 September - University of Ulster Jordanstown

22 - 23 October - University of Ulster Coleraine

26-27 November - University of Ulster Jordanstown

The cost is £35 per person and a CRY Cardiologist is in attendance. Any person interested in booking an appointment should contact CRY at 028 90368098.
Name : Peter Gallagher
Saturday, November 27, 2010
been living in the area for nearly 2 years now. Checking out what goes on at local/community level.
All the Best
Name : Brigid Scullion
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Table Quiz

ACORN Centre, Cloney

Friday November 26th 2010 @ 8pm

Proceeds in Aid of Habitat for Humanity

Admission: £3 per Adult ~ £1 per child (post primary)

Light refreshments will be served
Name : Youth Multi Activity Day
Monday, September 13, 2010
Youth Multi Activity Day on Sat 25th September 2010.

There are places for up to 10 youths between 11 - 17 year olds to go on the trip to Garron Point. Bus leaves Cloney at 9.00am and returns at 3.30pm approx. Contact Claire Neeson or Teresa Graham before Thursday.
Name : CRDA
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
will photos of the opening day with Mary McAleese be going up on either this site or the GAA website?

We will be getting them up in the near future on this website
Name : Declan O'Loan
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Congratulations to Paddy Graffin and all involved in the completion of Phase II and especially on the organisation of the great afternon with President McAleese on Thursday. I was very impressed once again by the large crowd and the obviously very strong community spirit. Well done to all.
Name : Gerard Kelly
Monday, April 19, 2010
I don't get up around Cloney now as much as I used to but it was great to see the progress of phase II. Congratulations everyone on a job well done.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Roisin McKeever will give a demonstration entitled "Craft at Christmas" in the Pauline Dougan Suite of the Acorn Centre on Wednesday 9th December from 7.00 -- 8.30pm.

This event is open to all ages and admission is £3.

Those attending will be given the opportunity to create their own work if desired.